Education equips young people with knowledge and skills that provide opportunities for their future in a rapidly changing world.
Educators facilitate academic and social growth and provide personalised contexts in order to nurture and foster the development of our students.
At Richmond High School we believe all students:
- Have intelligence and a combination of the following: linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinaesthetic, musical, naturalist, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, or spatial.
- Are learners who can learn and achieve.
- Are individuals and learn in different ways.
- Are worth our respect, time, interaction and connection.
- Can be powerful local and global citizens.
The purpose of encouraging a positive behaviour for learning (PBL) is:
- To support teaching and learning in a safe and respectful environment.
- To create environments that increase the likelihood that students learn and behave.
- To enhance the capacity of students to self manage their behaviours in response to the school wide expectations and students take greater responsibility for their behaviour and learning.
- To increase the consistency amongst staff in teaching and reinforcing the school wide learning and behaviour expectations.
Behaviour expectations matrix
Our three core values for PBL at Richmond High School are being:
Our PBL Matrix of behaviour expectations has been developed collaboratively by the PBL team and it has been endorsed by the staff, student representative council (SRC) and the Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) community. The PBL team meet fortnightly and is made up of a cross section of the teaching faculties and also has community representation.
Download the Richmond High School behaviour expectations guide (DOC 82KB) for more details.
PBL signage
At Richmond High School we use many visuals to remind students of our behaviour expectations.